The introduction of rice planting into Japan, however, cannot rule out its contingency. 但稻作东传也不能排除其偶然性因素。
Research on Dense Planting Effect for Different Density-tolerant Corn and Rule of Corn Density Tolerance Inheritance 不同耐密性玉米的密植效应及耐密性遗传规律研究
The area ratio of Indica/ Japonica rice planting in Jiangsu was suggested as 1 ∶ 2 with the rule of organizing production according to requirement of internal and external markets. 根据先以消定产、后以销定产的原则,江苏籼粳稻种植面积配比以1∶2为宜。
The target layer was the planting structures rationality. There are 4 aspects in rule layer, such as the high use efficiency of water resources, social equality, economic rationality and ecological security. The index layer contains 24 basic indexes. 评价指标体系以流域种植结构优化合理度为目标层,设置了水资源利用高效性、社会公平性、经济合理性及生态安全性4个准则层,共计24项基础性指标。
The benefits assessment was an important part for optimizing the planting structure. A 3-layer evaluation system was set up, including the target layer, rule layer and index layer. 作物种植结构优化调整的后效性评价是种植结构优化调整的重要组成部分,论文建立了由目标层、准则层、指标层3个层次所组成的评价指标体系。